It's one of my happy my yard, covered in dirt and sweat. It's a place where I till the ground and plant the seeds. Water, fertilize and pray it grows. Maybe it's the solid of growing things that I enjoy. The almost guarantee... if I do my part, the earth, the sun and the seeds will do theirs. I was out front digging up more dead foxtails, when I noticed how much poison oak there was. It's vibrant and green and full of life. I huffed out a sigh and smirked at that weed growing everywhere. Then, a flash of color caught my eyes...and I saw it...a bright pink vinca flower, growing in the crack of the driveway. I crawled to a stand and stared. That beautiful flower had somehow survived freezemaggedon! It found the strength to dig its roots in deep and then stand up straight and tall. A beautiful flower, reaching for the sun....blooming in a crack. I pulled off my garden gloves, wiped at the tears that suddenly began dripping off my chin. Then I laughed at the lesson. "Yes, I get it Lord." Life can bloom in the hard places. We all have to make that choice. We never know what life plans to "teach" us. This has been a year of lessons. I've spent a lot of time in God's word, (confession) not because I'm so holy and it's my choice. It's because it's what Britton wants to do everyday. He wants to read the bible, and bible related stories...books about KIng David. Books about the disciples. On and on we read, and some books he wants to read over and over. He loves "Wild at Heart," "The Good Book," "Spirit Wars." We're on our second read through "Battlefield of the Mind." Seventeen books since this past January... 47 books in 2020. You would think that being marinated in God's truth would change a person. That it would be impossible to spend that much time in the word and not find yourself meditating on it. I sure hope some of it sinks in, and I become this "mega believer" who can quote scriptures as fast as an auctioneer. Face giants like David or cross Red Seas like Moses. But...That's not been my daily reality. Most the time I'm on my knees, in tears asking for the strength I need. "Please, tell me what to do! Am I making the right choices? I need to hear your voice. Show me the next step." You may be imagining this lazy life of sitting and I wish it was like that. Mostly it's me holding a book that is propped up on a pillow. I lean so he can see well. He puts his fingers under each word. If I read a word wrong, he goes back. If I attempt to explain things, he eye rolls. LOL He too, requires patience to be read to by his mom. He will allow anyone else to just read, but me... I'm his study partner. I have this sneaky feeling he knows that I need more than just to read it. I need to absorb it, and hold it close to my heart. Maybe his finger under each word is for me? Hmmmm My life is often more than I bargained for, less than I dreamed of, and much more than I can handle. I don't know very many people who would choose to put down roots in the cracks and crevices...yet that's where some of us are planted. But...there is no question that God's blessings flow and saturate the hard places. Struggling to grow is not easy for most of us...rarely comfortable. Attempting to fit my fears, my ego, or my pride into that teeny weeny space is not impossible. There is only room in the cracks for the necessary. But if I will let those things go, dig my roots in deep...before long... I'm reaching for the Son! Blooming in the HARD PLACE. And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left. Isaiah 30:21 ***** My favorite I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my eye upon you. Psalms 32:8 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Proverbs 3:5 But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you. John 14:26 IF YOU'RE STILL HERE...I'M GOING TO WHISPER A SECRET... THERE WILL BE A FREE BOOK GIVEAWAY BEFORE THE END OF THE MONTH! OPEN YOUR MAIL, TELL YOUR FRIENDS. IT WILL BE FREE FREE FREE! |