"Courage is Fear, that has said its prayers." Life is a dangerous endeavor. Saddle that same life with autism, vaccine injury, and seizures...the danger amplifies. Saddle it with tragedies, deaths, sickness... I find that no matter who you meet if you talk to them long enough...they have walked through fire once or even twice. Most of us pass our days in the shadows of victories and defeats. Life is full of stark realities. This past year we've sat in stunned silence as those with the power to annihilate humanity...happily contemplate the possibility with itchy fingers. Discussions of global attacks, chemical warfare, and viruses that have the capability of cleaning the planet of "undesirables..." These are real conversations spurred from the days' news, not the movie we all saw on Netflix. We struggle to figure out who is at fault, who is in charge, and, where it all went wrong? The cumulative question... "How did we get here?" Is it okay if I confess to lying awake at night worrying that the wrong person is about to push the red button...and asking myself, "How can things get any worse?" Britton had seizures through most of the night last night. Sadly it's become something HE, and our whole family endures several times a week. It knocks the air right out of my faith, and I hover over him in helicopter momma style, praying and crying and begging God to do something! This morning when Britton was finally awake, he wanted to read. He has probably a hundred books by various Christian authors and we read lots of them again and again. But the last few months we've been reading straight from the source. The words of God himself. I flipped to the New Testament...which is not where I marked our place. Can't say why I did it. I began reading in Matthew, Chapter 24, 4-14. It's a sobering, expose' of what Jesus told his disciples was going to happen in the world. I encourage you to take five minutes and read it for yourself. Bottomline, or maybe my summary is that Jesus said, "Things are going to get bad...REAL BAD, before they get better. But then he added, "See to it that you are not alarmed." I admit it, I smirked when I read it. In today's lingo, He basically said, "Don't freak out and don't be surprised!" The funny thing about it is...those may be the exact words, I say to myself...every single time Britton seizes. "Don't freak out! Why are you so surprised?" My heart stung a little when I thought of Jesus warning his disciples. He knew what He Himself would suffer, but He also knew what they would suffer for their faith. Jesus warned us..."Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of MOST will grow cold." He didn't say "some of you will grow cold...or a few of you, he said, "MOST!" It's sobering..."MOST!" I can't help it, I'm gonna say it to you one more time. "The love of MOST will grow cold!" WOW! Britton jumped up and went to the bathroom, came back, opened the drawer with the thermometer, and asked me to take his temperature. It's not something he's done very often, so I asked him several times and he took the little gun-shaped thermometer and put it on his head. I took his temperature, and he giggled and squealed and jumped back in his bed. It really did take me all that time to put it together. I picked up the bible and reread the words..."the love of MOST will grow cold." I swallowed a huge lump that grew large in my throat and looked at Britton. "I get it, son, I finally get it." I smiled a half-smile and promised myself that I would not be one of the "MOST." I asked myself SOME raw questions. I refused to allow any excuses... "Is your love for the Lord as hot in 2020 as it was in 2019?" After all that 2020 has thrown at you, what's the temperature of your heart? I cried and asked God to forgive me if I'd let my love grow cold. I know He gets it. I know He knows I'm human and that each and every seizure is like an ice bath to my soul. But I also know He is a consuming fire. In His presence...there is no lukewarm heart. One of my favorite Scriptures is Psalm 37:7 "Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for Him to act. Don't worry about evil people who prosper or fret about their wicked schemes." The reason we aren't supposed to be terrified by wicked schemes...is not because they aren't scary. It is because every trial and every trouble has a place in God's plan. My uneducated interpretation of Psalm 37:7 says... Be still and wait...wait patiently. Stop wringing your hands, and losing sleep. THE LORD WILL ACT! Maybe not as soon as you wish for, or the way you want Him to...but HE WILL ACT! Don't worry about evil people, their wicked shenanigans are their own business." LOL! that's my uneducated translation! It sure gives me peace. Above all the chaos...reigns a divine plan. When the world appears out of control, it isn't. When evil appears to be in charge...it isn't. When you feel hopeless, you aren't. Take a lesson from Britton...Take your temperature! This is one time you might wish for a fever...or perhaps the right word would be fervor. No matter what your temperature today..."see to it, that you are not alarmed!" Matt 24:6. "Everything will work out in the end...if it's not working out, it's not the end." P.S. **I need to solicit your help with Book 2, No Choice. I launched the book on Black Friday. But I knew...I really did. Facebook has ban the majority of everything I post. I post too much Vaccine information. That's where all the banning began. I noticed that even Ads I paid for on book one, The Choosing, began to be blocked. The COVID VACCINE has become a huge political point, Facebook won't allow anything negative to be written about vaccines, truth, or not. So unless I post about family...you can't see my posts-unless you place me in your top 10 friends. You can see them if you go directly to my page...or The Shadowlands. OH...I forgot, I renamed the Book's page, FROM, The Choosing, to The Shadowlands. Because, well...it's about THREE BOOKS NOW! Even though FACEBOOK blocked 90% of the ads...the book still climbed to #20 on the New Releases, Bestsellers List. The Book still sold over 1000 books since its release! THAT WAS GOD! If you're on FACEBOOK, I'm asking you a favor. PLEASE SHARE MY ADS for my books. If 80% of books are truly sold by word of mouth...then an army of readers could override their censorship. If you feel good about it, I'd appreciate your support. Here is one of my latest Ads. You can find all my ads on my personal page and also on Facebook @TheShadowlands. You can share from either or both places. Here's the link to the book if you would like it.
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