If you look at Britton at 5 months old. Bright eyed, normal, happy child. THEN, If you look at the next photo at 11 months old, you see a confused, in pain, very frightened child. A child
who has been injected with mercury. A child whose immune system could not process the toxins. I show you these pictures, so that you too can realize... he was NOT born with autism. By the time you see the bottom picture he had quickly regressed to less than 10 words. My beautiful, perfect son, is almost lost here. I seriously hate that picture.
I remember about 20 years ago, sitting in a medical library, trying to find just one case similar to what had happened to our son. (There was no internet back then) I would sit Britton in my lap, and while he did all this strange hand flapping, whinning and begging me to squeeze his elbows... I would scour every published medical study that even vaguely resembled our situation. A perfectly normal child, who has a low grade fever for several months and then after his second MMR, BAM a grand mal seizure and never the same again. He stopped walking for a few months, and really rather quickly lost all of the language he had developed. 500 words, just gone! What happened to my baby? No one knew. It would be almost four years before I found a doctor who had ever seen autism, and actually knew the word to diagnose him. I was told it was 1 in 100,000 in 1994.
Twenty years ago, there was no awareness of autism at all.
As much as I hate being one of the first families affected, I am beyond grateful for all we've learned.
Doctors use to make fun of families who even talked about the possibility of recovery. Now it happens all the time. Not easy, and not with one magic pill.... but with perseverence and unrelenting dedication of parents who do all the things that just might be the key to breaking into their child's locked and poisoned mind. Through combinations of detoxing, supplements, diet change, and behavioral therapies, there is a light at the end of this PIT that most of us were thrown into. A pit made of greed, lies, and disregard for your child and mine. The Big PHARM machine owns our Congress and money and power is their goal. Call me bitter, that's certainly how I see it.
Most the children with autism we see now, are not nearly as severe as my son, The reason? We really KNOW what caused autism in the first place. (Yes I'm pointing all my fingers at vaccines.) Knowing the "enemy" gives us the right weapons to fight. If your child is not autistic, you are perhaps rolling your eyes over my comment of what causes autism, but with my son, he was normal and then he wasn't. One day normal, a vaccine, the next day not normal. It's not rocket science. Over the months of that fated moment when I felt my pediatrician twisted my arm and demanded that I "catch Britton up"on his vaccines (inspite of his low grade fever since the last vaccine,) I'd give anything if I'd even suspected what I'm telling you now. AWARENESS! I'm not trying to scare you, I'm trying to help you make an educated decision. A choice, and awareness I didn't have.
We aren't the only family that it happened to. There are thousands of us. One in 50 children to be exact. Now it seems, that everyone knows someone who has a child with autism. Don't you?
If you've met one child with autism, you've met ONE CHILD with autism. They are not that much alike. They all certainly have varying degrees of disability, most self stim (that's things like hand flapping, humming noises, walking on tip toes, etc) Truly the list is endless. I can only speak for my son and say he "looks normal." Unless you watch him more than a few seconds. A second glance, and you're quick to realize something just isn't quite right. "Looking almost normal" can be a benefit and a huge detriment. When he was small I sometimes was grateful, but there have certainly been moments that people didn't understand (because remember no autism awareness?) and they would tell me how I just needed to apply a little better "discipline." I lost it once, and screamed, "I'd beat him to death if it would make any difference." It worked, the person RAN from me. (I shouldn't laugh, but it's funny NOW) It was the first time he ever bit me. We were in Sams Club. A place I later learned not to take him. He would duck at the high ceilings. I have NO IDEAwhy. Which tells us that there are visual disturbances as well as all the other strange sensations that his senses apparently torture him with. Sams drove him crazy. I just stopped taking him there for years and years. I always say if there's anything common with autism, it is certainly that they all suffer from sensory disorders. They don't really hear the same, feel the same, see the same...They truly are dealing with things we can only begin to imagine the difficulties of enduring. I read once of a girl who could hear so well that she heard toilets flush for miles. Can you imagine that? Me neither...
Is is any wonder that so many parents have a trust issue with the CDC. It took them years and years to remove thimerasol (mercury) from vaccines. And it's a fact that it is POISON, even they don't deny that. It destroys brain cells, and they admit it! (Side note, it is NOT gone out of many vaccines. It is in the largest quantities in the flu shot.) Other countries removed it years ago, and the CDC can say they that they "voluntarily" removed it, but I'm pretty sure it had something to do with unrelenting pressure from so many parents, screaming and threatening in front of Congress. But just to add insult to injury Big Pharm decided to leave all the vaccines out there that still contained thimerasol til they were all used up. Knowing it would destroy more children, KNOWING it was poison.
It's despicable.
My son was not so lucky. No one except the pharmaceutical company that makes the vaccine knew that mercury was in them back in 1990. Maybe you're one of those parents who insist that there's a miniscule amount of mercury in each vaccine. Let me just give you a CDC fact. If your child receives all their vaccines on schedule til only just the age of 6 months old, he would get a mercury dose up to 87 times higher than the maximum daily consumption of fish that is allowed.
There's no doubt that lots of kids are able to handle this kind of assault to their immune systems and their cerebral anatomy. (They may end up ADD, ADHD, etc. But no one is counting them.)
But... 1 in 50 ARE NOT! My son is one in 50. How I pray for a test of some kind that will separate out the children who are not capable of handling such a giant toxic load. It's VERY possible to do. I bet every parent in America would be willing to pay to have their child tested. Better yet, I bet every insurance would be willing to pay as well. It's so much cheaper than life long medical bills, for seizures, gastrointestinal diseases and behavior therapy, to name a few. THAT is not rocket science. Oh how I wish that some of the big Autism Organizations would research that! Stop spending all your donated dollars on BLUE LIGHTS and tee shirts with blue lights, and do something that really HELPS all us warriors on the front lines?! But alas, they too seem to have been bought by the Big Pharm and now spend all their time on genetic research. (Attempting to prove it's the parent's faults) The thing is, with it now being 1 in 50, you tell me how it can be genetic. I guess it is, if you're human, you can't handle neuro toxins injected into your blood stream at two months old. I guess we humans are just flawed that way. pshhh
This is Britton now. Still nonverbal, but at least he has
made a truce with the fact that he will never be what he could've been...what he was meant to be
By the way, he definitely knows the difference.
He is the bravest person I have ever known.
This picture was taken on his favorite hiking trail. He had just SAID, "Hurry Up!"
Randy and I, both flipped out, and he KNEW that he had spoken.
He can't/doesn't talk, but once in a blue moon, all the swelling goes down, or the wires connect,
or God intervenes, we don't know. But it's always a great moment.
I'd like you to be aware that we have lost almost an entire generation of young men. Gifted, intelligent, strong, handsome, young men. Men that God had other plans for. We have injected future doctors, lawyers, writers, musicians, and preachers. We have done our nation a horrible disservice by destroying much of our future, and for what? Greed would be the answer. With our eyes NOW wide open, with the truth accessible with a few clicks of a computer. The truth is out there. If you choose not to put in the effort to even research something so serious, or you choose to bury your head in the sand because it's easier... you have a 1 in 50 chance...You should be aware of it.
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