Friday, July 3, 2020


Ever played Blindman's bluff? As a kid, mom would tie the hand towel around our eyes, and off we would go. Hands stretched out, feeling our way around treacherous end tables and deadly sofas. All in search of the unseen. (By unseen I mean the stinker sisters that would sneak up and give a pinch and then run away...giggling.)Those are some good memories, I laughed hard thinking on them. 
 What prompted those memories was reading the story of a man who suddenly went blind. That's a scary story, but this man was in a small airplane, flying solo. He was feeling fine for the first 30 minutes, and then BAM, a stroke took his vision...What could you do, what would you do? The man was flying blind, how did he not panic? Just reading about it tied me in knots. He was able to feel for the radio, and call out "MAYDAY! MAYDAY!" That's the perfect thing to do when flying blind...MAYDAY! 
 I know that feeling! How many times have I been awakened to the nerve-shattering scream of yet another seizure? I've lost count. I empathize with the blind pilot. Most of us can...Stuck inside for months, wondering how we will make a living. Will we be able to pay our mortgage? What if we lose our car? Do we have enough food, and toilet paper. (comic relief?) 
 Lots of us are "flying blind" in this country. The months and months of increased seizures, intense quarantines, and Britton's almost total refusal to leave his bedroom has been enough to make us wish someone would pull off our blindfold so we could see our way clear to a different life. Blindfold or not, my hands are always stretched out reaching for answers... but there has been very little light for me to see by. Do I increase his CBD, do I change it? Do I change anti-seizure meds? What will help him eat? Does anyone have the answers? Can anyone else see...because I sure can't? I've been asking these same questions for most of 29 years. The blind following the blind. Sometimes as luck would have it, I figure something out. (blind luck?) The panic eases and we see a tiny thread of light. But for us...and lots of families like us, the light is short-lived. All I know to do is keep calling out "MAYDAY" and praying the right ears to hear me. 
 The Pharisees taught that only the true Messiah could heal the blind. Jesus healed several blind men...He was their only hope...I can genuinely relate to that. There is so much we don't know in this life. We sure don't know what the future holds...2020 has sucker-punched more families than the majority of years before it. We feel stumped, almost paralyzed by all that we see happening around us. Our children feel that same stress, and today Britton typed his frustrations, throwing a sucker punch of his own. (Based off the fact that I no longer take him to the places, he likes to go to.) He accused me of giving up," being done trying." But after he told me how he really feels, he had a very valid point. 

He said, "The world is blind to my heart, the world has lost its heart, lost its soul." 

 His words made me wonder...What would it be like if you turned on the news and the announcer said, "It's been discovered that the biggest side effect of Covid 19 is that all those affected have lost their heart, lost their soul towards their fellow man." That might be one time they actually told the truth.  Britton asked, "What does the world see when it sees me?" It's not the first time Britton has asked me this question. My answer is always the same. No matter how the world SEES US, GOD SEES US FOR WHO WE WERE CREATED TO BE. His promises do not change based on whether we feel like we've got life by the tail, or whether it's got us by the throat. 
 So often in these blind moments, we forget that God is who HE says HE is. We think He's taken a vacation, or has finally decided to give us what we really deserve. In my blind moments, when my son is seizing and I find myself in the dark, clinging to the cliff of despair by my slippering fingertips... I whisper "even when I don't see it you're working!" It helps me cling to that edge, eyes squeezed tight, (yes I might be trembling.) I don't need to see as long as He's working. God is ever to see forward and backward. He can see the "deadly sofas" and the "treacherous end tables" that I have no way of seeing...because I am blind to the future. 
 We may find ourselves flying blind, BUT, Jesus has BETTER THAN 2020 VISION! (pun intended.) Oh... and that pilot. There was a Flight Commander who just completed his training nearby. He flew his plane up next to the blind man's aircraft and patiently talked him into a position to land. Seven times he tried to land, and seven times he bounced up and had to try again. All of that, while trusting the voice of someone he couldn't see. On his eighth try, he made a near-perfect landing. Flying Blind
 I cried hard when I read that. It gave me confidence that even when I can't see in the despair of all that life can bury us under...the eyes of my creator can see in the dark. So I reach through the veil and hold onto the hand that gives sight to the blind. 
 Isaiah 42:16 I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them. 
PS: Last week I sent you a free link to my novel THE CHOOSING. 399 of you downloaded the free ebook. WOW, that meant the world to me. THANK YOU for making that Promotion so successful. I am humbled by your confidence. The book went up to #20 in Christian Fiction (out of thousands and thousands.) 

The Reviews are coming in already and I wanted to share two of them with you. 
 5.0 out of 5 stars Deep, Moving, Eye-opening, and Relevant for our culture Reviewed in the United States on June 25, 2020 I am changed by reading this. My perspective of the other side of eternity has been enriched, and my understanding deepened toward those suffering from any number of conditions which render them mute, wordless, or trapped in a body that just won't bloody obey them. 

5.0 out of 5 stars How words can flow into a picture. Reviewed in the United States on June 25, 2020 Loved this book! The author takes you on a journey with her words. Paints pictures in your mind. Great Read! So here's a link for when you're ready to get your copy.

 I write this newsletter/blog two times a month. If you found hope in these words...maybe you want to receive the newsletter twice a month. If you do, just click here. You can unsubscribe at any time. 

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