"I experienced the most amazing gift this past Christmas week. Britton sat at his desk and worked on answering questions. (He has given up most of his academic work totally during Covid-19) But on this day of miracles... In the middle of the most mundane Monday morning...he sat down at his desk and pulled out his very first worksheets. He began with the basic questions. "If you go camping, where would you sleep? tent. If a child has a replica of a baby, what's it called?" doll. Silly questions to most of us, but they seem to help him keep his world straight. But then...right in the middle of all the mundane...He spontaneously typed two deep thoughts without being prompted. He just wanted, or maybe he just needed to tell someone how he was feeling. We've all been there. That desire so strong to express our feelings, we might even spill it to a stranger we've just met. For him, the gift of clear thinking, and the ability to control his own body caused him to rejoice in this Season of Love and Compassion. Television screens, movie screens, and worst of all... his IPad screen. He has developed photosensitive epilepsy. So any amount of light flashing in his eyes can trigger a seizure. He is well aware and avoids them like the plague. He is now typing only on my cell phone. I don't know if the size of the screen matters, but on this day he was willing to risk it. In the list of words he was reciting he began typing his feelings.
Thursday, December 31, 2020
What Story Are You Telling?
Thursday, December 10, 2020
"Courage is Fear, that has said its prayers." Life is a dangerous endeavor. Saddle that same life with autism, vaccine injury, and seizures...the danger amplifies. Saddle it with tragedies, deaths, sickness... I find that no matter who you meet if you talk to them long enough...they have walked through fire once or even twice. Most of us pass our days in the shadows of victories and defeats. Life is full of stark realities. This past year we've sat in stunned silence as those with the power to annihilate humanity...happily contemplate the possibility with itchy fingers. Discussions of global attacks, chemical warfare, and viruses that have the capability of cleaning the planet of "undesirables..." These are real conversations spurred from the days' news, not the movie we all saw on Netflix. We struggle to figure out who is at fault, who is in charge, and, where it all went wrong? The cumulative question... "How did we get here?" Is it okay if I confess to lying awake at night worrying that the wrong person is about to push the red button...and asking myself, "How can things get any worse?" Britton had seizures through most of the night last night. Sadly it's become something HE, and our whole family endures several times a week. It knocks the air right out of my faith, and I hover over him in helicopter momma style, praying and crying and begging God to do something! This morning when Britton was finally awake, he wanted to read. He has probably a hundred books by various Christian authors and we read lots of them again and again. But the last few months we've been reading straight from the source. The words of God himself. I flipped to the New Testament...which is not where I marked our place. Can't say why I did it. I began reading in Matthew, Chapter 24, 4-14. It's a sobering, expose' of what Jesus told his disciples was going to happen in the world. I encourage you to take five minutes and read it for yourself. Bottomline, or maybe my summary is that Jesus said, "Things are going to get bad...REAL BAD, before they get better. But then he added, "See to it that you are not alarmed." I admit it, I smirked when I read it. In today's lingo, He basically said, "Don't freak out and don't be surprised!" The funny thing about it is...those may be the exact words, I say to myself...every single time Britton seizes. "Don't freak out! Why are you so surprised?" My heart stung a little when I thought of Jesus warning his disciples. He knew what He Himself would suffer, but He also knew what they would suffer for their faith. Jesus warned us..."Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of MOST will grow cold." He didn't say "some of you will grow cold...or a few of you, he said, "MOST!" It's sobering..."MOST!" I can't help it, I'm gonna say it to you one more time. "The love of MOST will grow cold!" WOW! Britton jumped up and went to the bathroom, came back, opened the drawer with the thermometer, and asked me to take his temperature. It's not something he's done very often, so I asked him several times and he took the little gun-shaped thermometer and put it on his head. I took his temperature, and he giggled and squealed and jumped back in his bed. It really did take me all that time to put it together. I picked up the bible and reread the words..."the love of MOST will grow cold." I swallowed a huge lump that grew large in my throat and looked at Britton. "I get it, son, I finally get it." I smiled a half-smile and promised myself that I would not be one of the "MOST." I asked myself SOME raw questions. I refused to allow any excuses... "Is your love for the Lord as hot in 2020 as it was in 2019?" After all that 2020 has thrown at you, what's the temperature of your heart? I cried and asked God to forgive me if I'd let my love grow cold. I know He gets it. I know He knows I'm human and that each and every seizure is like an ice bath to my soul. But I also know He is a consuming fire. In His presence...there is no lukewarm heart. One of my favorite Scriptures is Psalm 37:7 "Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for Him to act. Don't worry about evil people who prosper or fret about their wicked schemes." The reason we aren't supposed to be terrified by wicked schemes...is not because they aren't scary. It is because every trial and every trouble has a place in God's plan. My uneducated interpretation of Psalm 37:7 says... Be still and wait...wait patiently. Stop wringing your hands, and losing sleep. THE LORD WILL ACT! Maybe not as soon as you wish for, or the way you want Him to...but HE WILL ACT! Don't worry about evil people, their wicked shenanigans are their own business." LOL! that's my uneducated translation! It sure gives me peace. Above all the chaos...reigns a divine plan. When the world appears out of control, it isn't. When evil appears to be in charge...it isn't. When you feel hopeless, you aren't. Take a lesson from Britton...Take your temperature! This is one time you might wish for a fever...or perhaps the right word would be fervor. No matter what your temperature today..."see to it, that you are not alarmed!" Matt 24:6. "Everything will work out in the end...if it's not working out, it's not the end." P.S. **I need to solicit your help with Book 2, No Choice. I launched the book on Black Friday. But I knew...I really did. Facebook has ban the majority of everything I post. I post too much Vaccine information. That's where all the banning began. I noticed that even Ads I paid for on book one, The Choosing, began to be blocked. The COVID VACCINE has become a huge political point, Facebook won't allow anything negative to be written about vaccines, truth, or not. So unless I post about family...you can't see my posts-unless you place me in your top 10 friends. You can see them if you go directly to my page...or The Shadowlands. OH...I forgot, I renamed the Book's page, FROM, The Choosing, to The Shadowlands. Because, well...it's about THREE BOOKS NOW! Even though FACEBOOK blocked 90% of the ads...the book still climbed to #20 on the New Releases, Bestsellers List. The Book still sold over 1000 books since its release! THAT WAS GOD! If you're on FACEBOOK, I'm asking you a favor. PLEASE SHARE MY ADS for my books. If 80% of books are truly sold by word of mouth...then an army of readers could override their censorship. If you feel good about it, I'd appreciate your support. Here is one of my latest Ads. You can find all my ads on my personal page and also on Facebook @TheShadowlands. You can share from either or both places. Here's the link to the book if you would like it.
Thursday, November 19, 2020
There are so many great stories we all learned in Sunday School. Over zealous volunteers telling us bible stories with flannel graph figures… I personally met God for the first time in Vacation Bible School at the age of nine. I was being tormented at night…I couldn’t sleep. Fear was my constant enemy and I hated the darkness. Though all my sisters slept in the same room with me, four bunkbeds in the middle of one tiny room…when I talked about what was happening, it was more like telling ghost stories than real to them. To me…I really thought my life was in danger. I never slept, I was always afraid and I cried a lot. I’d pull my pink quilt over my head and shake and imagine evil all night long. At that same time my momma was bedridden, sick with a pregnancy that almost killed her. Only rich people had insurance back then…I knew she was really sick, she never got out of bed, never got dressed, never fed us. I was always afraid she would die. I used to lay in the bed beside her after daddy left for work, telling her how I stood on a chair and cooked rice for the “kids.” She struggled to stay awake for more than a few minutes… I would wait til her eyes closed, and then whisper how afraid I was. She knew nothing of God, but one afternoon she opened one sad brown eye and whispered, “you need a bible.” A couple of days later I walked a few blocks to a large Presbyterian church that we passed on the main street nearly everyday. I can still see the church secretaries face, when I pulled open the big glass doors and asked where I could get a bible. The shock…She had hairspray plastered hair all teased up, a good ten inches high. She was very professional and handed me a flier about their Vacation Bible School program. She sternly informed me I could certainly earn one. Disappointed, I took the flier and hoped there was some way. I crawled into bed beside my momma and begged her to let me go. I remember pushing her blonde hair off of her sweaty face and wondering if one day she wouldn’t wake up anymore. My nightmares and the torment drove me. I needed relief…momma said I needed a bible. I walked to that church everyday for six weeks. No one else wanted to go, so I just went by myself. My daddy was at work and my momma wasn’t awake much. No one knew where any of us kids were. Through most my life, my daddy told stories of his childhood spent with his aunt and uncle. They were pastors and the little bit he knew of God, he learned from them. He told us how his aunt always prayed for hours, and he loved laying under a tree around sunrise and listening to her rhythmic sing song prayers…It stayed with him all his life. He taught us how to be “good” based on what his aunt taught him. After six weeks of faithful attendance at VBS, memorizing the 23rd Psalm, and the Beattitudes…I was rewarded with a bible. It was black leather and the pages were trimmed in red, and it even had my name on it in gold. No one told me I was a sinner there, no one asked about my parents…They taught me some of God’s word. It was the end of summer by then and I had to wait till I got home from school…but I would crawl into bed beside momma, and recite the 23rd Psalm. I like to think it always pulled her back from the edge…and she would open her eyes, smile and pat my leg. People raised in church so often take their amazing heritage for granted. Not knowing that the people who cross their paths need God like they need air. One of the most amazing things about my life now… Though it is a life of intense isolation…there is Britton's love to read. He loves Max Lucado books and he loves John Eldredge as well… but this year we started reading in Genesis out of a David Jeremiah Study Bible. It has been fun and fascinating. The things I’ve learned and relearned have blessed, and inspired me. We were reading the story of Samuel going to anoint Jesse’s youngest son, King. David and Goliath is a story Britton likes to read over and over again. That’s what got me thinking about when I was such a little girl and how afraid I was that one year. How I walked by myself to that big old scary church. No one knew me there, and no one knew that I needed to slay a really big giant…but God knew. When I think back on that little girl. I am so very proud of her. She was determined and brave, even though she was very small for her age. If they asked her to memorize the whole bible I happen to know she would’ve given it a try. Armed with the 23rd Psalm, she had become a giant slayer. After that summer in “training” I’d crawl into the bottom bunk at night…recite all I had memorized, and lay that hard earned bible open across my chest. The fears never came for me after that. The word of God gave me the peace I sought… How could I have known that it laid the foundation for how I would live my life in the future? It is the same battle strategy, because it is the same enemy. If there is a giant of fear, blame, condemnation or shame? No matter the giant that calls out your name, and screams for you to be afraid…The same sword that slew Goliath, slays all the giants of fear. BOOK Update!!! EIGHT DAYS TILL BOOK 2 0 No Choosing Releases! YEP 8 DAYS!!!! Fifty people have read it, and the reviews will be added to Amazon over the weekend. In case the back cover is too small to read...here it is.
Thursday, October 8, 2020
I'm sure you've felt it too. You wake up and instead of the joy that another sun has risen over your world, you groan. I've been doing that a little too often lately. Thinking about each day as something to survive, something to try to get through. (Me and the rest of the world?) Trying to get to the next thing...that I also dread. I really do know this is no way to live.
Today as I laid there wishing for the energy or the motivation to get up...I wished for a nudge, a gentle push to get me going. Then all the sudden there it was...That tingle up my spine, the overwhelming presence of spirit to remind me I am more than this flesh that encases me.
I heard a gentle "you got this" and "what you do, does matter." Even though I may not FEEL like it does. God's assurance that He has things for me to do...things that matter to Him was the "kick in the pants" I needed. So I threw my legs off the side of the bed and sat there. Hair in a tangled mass, pajamas twisted around my torso...Pondering, how my life could possibly matter to anyone or make one bit of difference to the universe.
I'm certain I'm not alone. That these are questions we all ask...please tell me I'm not the only one.
Sure it has to do with my mom's death. I'm certainly evaluating life, purpose, meaning, with a fine tooth comb. Deciding if anything I do matters enough.
Do I have a legacy that I can be proud of? Heck, do I have a legacy at all?
Listening to people talk about my mom I realized that all the little things we do matter...at least to the ones we do for others. All the times we reach out, all the times we pick up the phone to check on someone...Maybe we don't think much of it, maybe it's just who we are...but the souls we touch, bless, help...remember. I confess to being surprised at how many people remembered my momma. They remembered her kind words and her amazing hugs. They remembered her Sunday School lessons and how steadfast she was. She made a difference in their lives. That's no small thing.
Pondering those thoughts, I drug myself upstairs to begin the endless supplement, medication regimen that is, supposed to make a difference in Britton's life. I sat down on the side of his bed, brushed his hair out of his eyes, and asked him. "Does anything I do matter to you?" He laughed his dolphin squeal, jumped up, and ran to the bathroom. So much for fishing for compliments.
But he came back after, and he kissed my cheek and handed me a book he wanted us to read. I felt it again, that little nudge, the gentle push to keep doing what I'm doing. I took the book and sat down. Getting us all set up so I can read out loud and he can place his finger under each word.
Twenty-seven books in 2020. Most all of them have been amazing, encouraging, and kept me going when I was just going through the motions. Some of them we've read multiple times. He loves Max Lucado, Beth Moore, Kris Vallotton, and John Eldredge. If you need books to encourage you, just ask me. :) I always feel guilty for struggling for "purpose" when I can't begin to imagine how often my son does the same.
Some days it feels like trudging through deep sludge. Another step, another book, another seizure...on and on. So much introspection...I worry my blogs sound like one sad complaint after the next. I don't mean them to be that I mean them to be REAL.
If autism has done anything to my family, I pray it has peeled away layers of costumes that we used to wear. Believing that we are the family that has our lives together. Nice house, educated children, decent cars... a vacation every year...blah blah blah. It's laughable, we are not that family.
Sometimes I describe us as if we are a used car sitting on a lot somewhere. We've shined ourselves up, used putty to fill in the dents and dings. On Sundays, we've been covered in a coat of wax and shined till we sparkle. But the question should be, what's under the hood?
The truth would be a startling contrast if someone asked for the carfax. The break downs, the betrayals, the crisis of faith...the wrecks that totaled us. But, thankfully unlike a car, our lives are molded and enhanced by our pasts...increasing our value to those around us. Each of those situations created a strength that kept us standing when the next "crash" came along. God can use all the battles of our pasts to give us purpose.
I want to remember that. I need to. You might need to remember it too.
Consider this your nudge. A gentle push to keep doing what you're doing. It matters to the people you reach.
P.S. Book 2 NO CHOICE will release NEXT MONTH! That's right NEXT MONTH!
I hope you will consider being part of my LAUNCH TEAM! There's a free book in it for you! I know what you're thinking, there must be a catch. I confess, there is one. I'll be asking you to promote the book. To share it on your own social media. To tell your friends, to WEAR THE TATTOO! LOL, Yes, I'm serious..I'll explain...later. (You don't really have to wear it, but...)
For now, please keep me in your prayers. I need to meet deadlines and most days I have a kind of a buzz in my head. A voice telling me I need to keep living. That it's true, my mother, my one and only mother is gone...gone forever, gone to the next life. No, you cannot call her, no you cannot text her, she is gone...she really is.
So nudge me, or if necessary give me a kick in the pants, I'll be happy to return the "favor."
"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye." Antoine de Saint-Exupery |
Thursday, September 24, 2020
Flipping through youtube channels I stopped to listen. The prosperity teaching/preaching was really getting to me. I wonder how Christians in Cambodia or Venezuela feel about it. If that was a biblical principle wouldn't it work all over the world? So I started wondering about expecting God to DO for you. Like some kind of genie in the sky. I read this quote a few years ago,
"He who serves God for money will serve the devil for better wages."
I am grateful for God's "benefit package." That He first loved me. That I can expect him to bring me peace, and that He will take me to heaven when I take my last breath. But, here's a newsflash - financial prosperity is NOT God's stamp of approval. Lots of very prosperous people are VERY EVIL. Lots of Godly people are very poor. It's not an either-or. At least that's what I believe.
It's difficult when life drops you on your head, things break and lots of what you used to believe begins to fall away. Those beliefs that were once such an integral part of who you are...become weights that hold you down. You let them fall because life has proven to you, they won't hold up under pressure.
So much of my rough exterior has been sanded away over the years. Autism is the "sandpaper" in my life. Included for my family are seizures...lots and lots of seizures. Some years have sanded to the bone, leaving my heart a raw, and bloody mess. The sanding away of things that did not serve me. The sharp edges, the rough exterior. The benefit of all that sanding can leave your heart far more sensitive to the voice of God.
The sanding has done away with a whole lot of pretense I didn't even realize was part of me. I was always determined to display a life of excellence and perfection. It was such an enjoyable illusion...
The good news is, once it was too heavy to carry, I dropped it without a second glance. I was finally free of its bondage. I had no idea that I allowed other people's opinions of me to decide if I was worthy or not.
Maybe some of you think the same things I do. Concerned that others watch your lives (your mistakes) and come to the conclusion that serving God is a lesson in futility. That there is no "benefit package" to being one of His kids.
It's one of the reasons I wrote, The Choosing. I truly believe that some of our lives...are lessons for others. They watch us persevere through things that truly ought to kill us, and somehow we survive it. (FYI - I did not sign up for that! I bet you didn't either.) Others can clearly see that it's not human strength that gets us through. So even if they aren't positive it's God, they're pretty sure it isn't something we are capable of.
Maybe...or maybe I'm back to thinking too much and making something out of nothing?
I'll let you decide.
I confess that I don't always keep up my end of the bargain when it comes to being all that I'd like to be. But, one of the biggest benefits to knowing God, is that He hears me when I whisper His name. He forgives me the second I ask him to. I trust Him to bring justice into the world...in the way He sees fit. Mostly I know that He will take the difficulties of this life and make good out of them. I know that because His word is full of those promises. Here are a few of my favorites.
*(2 Corinthians 1:3-5) All praises belong to God. For He is the Father of tender mercy and the God of endless comfort. He always comes alongside us to comfort us in every suffering so that we can come alongside those who are suffering too. We can bring them this same comfort that God has poured out on us. TPT/The Message
(Ps 40:1,2) I waited patiently for the Lord; He inclined to me and heard my cry. He lifted me up from the pit of despair, out of the miry clay; He set my feet upon a rock and made my footsteps firm.
(Luke 18:7,8) Will not God bring about justice for His elect who cry out to Him day and night? Will He continue to defer their help? I tell you, He will promptly carry out justice on their behalf. Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on earth.
*PS-If you have read this all the way - I am asking for prayers!
No Choice, Book 2 in the series The Chronicles of The Shadow Lands will be launching SOON!
THE CHOOSING - Book 1 has sold more copies than I ever hoped.
I need prayers to get NO CHOICE out there at this wild and wooly moment in history.
You guys are the reason I keep writing. I can't express how much I pray to write the words you need to hear. Please, please feel free to send me how I can pray for you. Your prayers, your dreams. I would love to partner with you in prayer.
I'm excited about Book 2. It's just over 235 pages. I dreamed it...way back last summer. I tell you this because...the story is about a virus. Yep...I know, but who could've imagined that a deadly virus would show up almost a year later. I think you will love the spiritual twist on a virus invading the world. I pray it will encourage you, and hopefully draw you closer to Adonai.
PSS - I will be asking for volunteers to join my launch team in the next few weeks. I'll email out the info so you can decide if you want to be part. There is an advanced copy of Book 2 in it for you. So be thinking about it.
God bless you, and keep you!
Link to The Choosing |
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
The Mirage of Autism
I watched a lady recently talk about all her “troubles.” Randy sent me AWAY because there had been so many seizures and after being awake all night I was buzzed. Not on alcohol, on adrenaline that wouldn't shut off after the stress and sleep-deprivation.
It was an exciting proposition. Getting my toenails painted by a professional. The water was so warm and the massage chair was hitting all the right spots…I was starting to fall asleep with the luxury of music and someone rubbing my feet. Then, a woman sat down beside me in the next chair. I heard her talking, so I opened my eyes, looking around to see who she was talking to. Apparently, it was to anyone who was willing to listen…or anyone who couldn’t getaway.
She began with how awful it has been not to be able to get her nails professionally done for all those months. How difficult it is to buy clothes online without trying them on. The cruelty of masks that wipe off her lipstick. The list was long and very "upper class." Which included no vacation outside the country, and the frustration of folks that can’t wear a mask not staying home when they should.
I confess, I never even nodded, never turned my head. I gave every physical signal a person can, that says leave me alone…including closing my eyes and pretending to sleep.
If I’m being honest, I frowned a lot, even with my eyes closed. I found it almost impossible not to say things like, “you’re kidding me right? I wanted to explain that I’m an autism mom, those things are not “regulars” in my world anymore. Those things have become extravagant luxuries… for a woman who has made herself not wear the same clothes she slept in.”
I realized as I sat there, that she was going to make sure I heard her. It was a good lesson.
I began to wonder about my own tenacity when it comes to speaking up about the autism life. I try to speak up, and even though I am painfully, transparent when I tell someone close to me what life is like…perhaps I still shelter those I know can't understand. It's not a judgment, it's just an honest observation.
Even those closest to us still ask about things that leave me confused. Things I thought they understood. Usually, it's about things we can't do anymore or places we can't go. I thought I made myself heard.
For families who walk the tight rope of seizures, severe autism, pandas, and Crohn's disease...we do not live the same life as most of the world. Our children don't fit in most places. They can be disruptive, they can often not handle the smallest events of everyday life.
Maybe you see us out in public, and you think things must be going quite well for our family. It looks like we’ve found a way to balance all that autism brings. (Autism defined by Rain Man, or The Good Doctor). But really, we spend our days on the edge of a blade, never knowing which side of the knife we will fall on.
You might notice his odd OCD behaviors, his constant need for me to squeeze his hand or kiss his cheek. But usually, people are gracious and tell me how well I'm managing our life. How good he looks, how amazing that we can survive under such difficulty. (Most don't know what the difficulties are, they just know they exist.) I have fooled you into believing that we safe rather than dangling precariously from a high trapeze of unpredictability. That's hard enough, but with autism, there is no safety net.
IT'S ALL A MIRAGE. BECAUSE I am determined that you SEE only what I want you to see.
At church, when he's capable of going, he seems like a calm, easy-going young man who is participating in life to the best of his ability. Maybe that is what he is. But underneath that facade of perceived calm, there is always the autism storm that brews so constantly...I pray to hear the thunder and the crackle of the lightning before anyone outside our world notices.
We are so blessed at church. People are kind to him, they include him, they speak to him. They touch him, shake his hand, treat him like he belongs... like he matters. I cannot express how amazing that is to us...how it blesses us, and also, how uncommon it is.
I want people outside our world to only see the best of him. I purposely leave the broken world out of sight, my goal is to make others more comfortable with autism. But the pressure, of controlling the uncontrollable...I have often had two or three panic attacks before I even get to church. My heart palpitating, I’m sweating and terrified that he will have a meltdown inside the big auditorium full of people. But I get there and do my best to pretend I’m good, he’s good… it’s all good. I try so desperately to remember why I am really there.
Those with autism have become a type of disposable population. So many are tucked away in group homes, and state schools. They are not easily understood or managed outside the safety of their world where they know how to function. We have bravely or perhaps foolishly decided to take our son with us everywhere we go. It’s important, for my son's life and future, that he is seen as a valuable human being. Someone that has something to give back to the world, even if they have to dig to find it.
The younger children with autism are still treated like there is a possible future for them, but the older they get the less likely the world is to consider their value.
I have a great many "friends" on social media. Autism parents like me who have adult children with severe autism. I read their comments and watch their family members make disparaging comments and suggestions. I do understand that the difficulty of the nonstop caregiving gets old to those watching you live it. But I wonder if they ever really stop to consider how tired that parent is almost thirty years later. How much strength is required to keep going?
The few folks I've ever allowed in my home are a little overwhelmed when they see the difficulties. We have done a great many things to make all our lives easier. Cabinets that hold only his food that is easy access for him. (We pray he eats, ANYTHING his gut hurts so bad.) His closet contains four shirts, if there are more he can't choose one, and he will become so distraught trying to choose there will be a meltdown. The pair of shorts, and one pair of jeans that he has worn almost every single day for four years. (I found a pair of his identical shorts on Poshmark and even though they were the wrong size, I bought them and took them up.)
At my house, I bathe my twenty-nine-year-old son every morning. Brush his teeth, comb his hair, put on deodorant. He tries to help with most of those things, and on the good days, he can.
I have a truckload of syringes and tablets and capsules all lined up and we take them as scheduled, changing on whether he can eat that day. He does not eat anything until around 2pm. His stomach just can't manage food well. We've been in the "I can't eat" phase for far too long. I don't know how long it will last. We do what we can, he eats what he can.
The complication of the autism life causes those outside this world to say things like, "why do you do all those things? You should just make him deal." LOL, That does make me laugh. I remember when I thought those same things.
When Britton was born I thought I'd learned how to raise a child. I had two beautiful daughters and they were turning out pretty well. Autism broke every paradigm I ever had. You can trust me when I tell you, one day with an autism family would be an enlightening lesson, in love. Not only our love for our son but our son's love for us. Above all - God's provision, and His amazing grace that helps us keep going each and every day.
But unless I told you, you wouldn’t know most of these things. I attempt to make things look “normal.” I strive to help people outside the autism world to be more comfortable with autism. AND...to be honest? I’m not really doing it for you. I’m doing it for him. If I can convince you that he is worthy of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, then it is an investment in my son’s future.
I won't always be here to create this mirage. I do all I can to help my son live up to the expectations of others. (Truly an impossible task.) But I pray, I pray hard that when I'm gone that others will see him through the mirage of possibilities that I have shown them. AND...maybe, just maybe they will be willing to help create a world that will tolerate his differences.
I really do realize it’s a big gamble. To gamble on the kindness of strangers, and the moral compass of a broken world. Some would say it is a foolish gamble. I'd have to agree, but there is God and all His promises.
So rather than believe I am gambling, I believe I am trusting in the goodness of a merciful God who loves my son more than I do. If I am gambling, it is you I'm gambling on. That you will step over the judgments, dodge the difficulties, and let love be the deciding factor. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only son..." What a "gamble" He took on mankind. I'd like to believe I'm not so much gambling, as following His lead.
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If you're still reading, BOOK II will release OCTOBER 31, BRACE YOURSELF, it's gonna be a wild RIDE.
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Thursday, July 23, 2020
"Anxiety - a meteor shower of what-ifs!" Max Lucado
In the last month, I've read a plethora of books on anxiety. I suppose that's understandable...with what's happening in the world, even the "Tina and Louise" personalities are struggling with all the newsworthy "what ifs."
COVID has added a level of anxiety none of us could've imagined...even for all the "normal" families out there. Will I have a job? What will I do when the unemployment runs out? Will I be able to keep my home, my car... it's a pretty serious list.
When you have a disabled child who depends on you, day in and day out... you get to add the impossible to your list of fears. This whole "stay home,""wear a mask," is draining the life out of each of us. Whether you are pro-mask, or anti-mask, either way, the stress it creates is causing hives, and heart palpitations in the folks I consider to be the anchors of calm.
One day, I realized that I don't laugh like I used to. One of the side effects of COVID is apparently less laughter. I stopped watching the news BEFORE COVID. I was done with the negative influence it had on my life. I realized there was never ever any good news and it caused me anxiety. After all my eyelashes fell out...TWICE, I started cutting out all the outside angst. I mean, I have a choice, so I chose to be "less informed" and happier. Ya know what...I was completely fine not being "informed," and I slept better. (Now I wonder if "informed" really means indoctrinated?)
In the first few months of COVID Crazy Town...Britton regressed into his own new level of despair. THEY PROMISED we would...flatten the curve and be done with this thing. But I had no idea there was an agenda. That after we did all the things and flattened the curve into nonexistence... they would create a whole new graph of things to worry about.
Each graph is a graph of the latest anxieties. This is the graph of how many are dying, and this is the graph of how many are sick, and this is the graph of how many we think might get sick and die. Yep, there's some anxiety for you. If you watch the news they will happily serve it up at dinner each night. You can eat that anxiety for supper and no amount of antacid is gonna ease your heartburn.
Now I'm not one for sticking my head in the sand...but since getting my son out of bed each day is a monumental chore because there is nowhere to go and nothing to do. He no longer cares to come downstairs, he really doesn't even care if he eats. Today my momma heart was up in my throat when he typed..."I am so heavy heavy. I worry about real boys, momma. I worry that real boys may never be happy again. I live in a prison of nowhere. "
What do I say to that? "A prison of nowhere?" Well, that just about sums up this whole Corona Circus. It is a prison of nowhere. The news...a prison of nowhere. The projections...a prison of nowhere. I looked through about 20 different news feeds and I could not find HOPE in any of them.
We are lead by our masks...(some of us by our noses)...in a circle of futility. Every promise is broken, every statistic a mistake, everything we are being told is corrected, refigured, restructured...there does not appear to be a crumb of truth in any graph.
The news is a whirlwind that will scoop your hopes and dash them against the latest graph of despair. BUT THEN this past week I stumbled upon Philippians 4:6-8. I'm going to write it here...only it's not going to be the King James or the Amplified or any of those. This is going to be the Teresa translation. It's what it means to me...at this moment. You feel free to look it up and translate it inside your own heart.
There is no need for you to worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Take all that you're worrying about and turn it into powerful prayers. God will listen to every concern you have. Before you can say, Covid19, He will give you peace, and you will know that everything is under His control. He's not surprised by anything that is happening in the world, and that in itself should bring you peace. Don't you feel better already? You can sleep at night, knowing He's got the whole world, (which includes YOU,) in His hands. It's so much better talking to God about it...than holding on to every worry till it's too heavy to even lift. You can build it into a mountain so big you can't even climb it.
Fill up your mind with who God is. Why not think about what is genuine, instead of all that the media tries to fill your head with? Let's think of the good things, the best things that are part of our world. There is enough ugly to go around, it's exhausting There are beautiful, amazing, gracious, people in the world. Let's just focus on those and talk about those. The rest of it... let it go. You are safe in His hands, you always have been."
In one of my Anxiety books, I read, "It's not God's will that you lead a life of perpetual anxiety." Well, AMEN to that. I'm so glad to hear it. I read it and then I understood that it means I have a choice. So, I am no longer reading books about Anxiety. I've switched to reading books about hope, and happiness. WHY NOT?
I've been baking things, eating things that I love more than I ever have. (Yes my pants are tight.) But I just believe it's important that we choose happiness. We can't face every day with dread, and fear. What kind of people will we become if we do? I made my husband's favorite pie...just because he loves it. He eats it late at night. The house finally quiet, his work done for the day. He relaxes, and relishes each bite. I love watching him eat it. It probably takes him 30 minutes to enjoy that one piece. He cuts a piece with his fork and puts that one bite in his mouth and savors it. I want to live my life the way he eats that pie. This moment in time is all we have. Virus or no virus, this is our pie.
I have gotten creative. I bought a tv tray and moved it into Britton's room. If he won't get up he can just DO THINGS in his bed. We read and find youtube videos to reinforce what we're studying. We listen to praise and worship from all over the world. (Jesus is the same everywhere...how cool is that?)
He's begun laughing again. He no longer refuses to bathe or get dressed. It's a step in the right direction. We will come out on the other side of this thing, with our hopes and our hearts intact. We will eat this pie, and relish each day that is given to us. Looking for the good, no matter how many scary graphs are on the news.
I just might make a graph...of how much hope we've found...it might even taste better than pie.
God bless you all and always remember HE IS FOR YOU!
The Choosing is Book ONE of The Chronicles of The Shadowlands
If you have held off getting your copy... here's the link
Friday, July 3, 2020
Friday, June 12, 2020
"I have no one to put me in the pool..."
A woman by the name of Patricia Ripley...a momma who had a son with autism. Her fifteen seconds of fame...she murdered her autistic son.
The truth that there is an entire population laying by the pool, with no hope of being helped.
there are more of us than there are of them.
When there are no longer more normal children than vaccine-injured ones.
and "Brandon's" - has also rekindled the absolute truth and justice we must continue to believe in.